Thursday, August 12, 2010


Funny that have finally found something thats made me take this dusty ol blog of mine off my dingy online archives....

As i type's struck another eventful Friday the 13th... and ever since my tryst with "The Omen" once when I was in class 6... its another day when I stay away from electrical switches, water bodies, look frantically up, left, down, right when crossing road; not to mention also avoiding looking any shady looking crows in the eye of course..

I always get this feel of some deep unspeakable evil of considerable proportions following me on these days, always ready to quietly slither up behind me with the hammer when I'm not looking.

But of course...I'm made of sterner stuff. I remember my last encounter with F13. A rafting expediton in Rishikesh had quite conveniently clashed dates, and at the start of a seemingly lovely morning by a suspiciously meek looking Ganges, I could almost feel Ill luck eagerly rubbing it's hands with glee at the prospect of seeing the otherwise wary me walk into such mortal peril myself...but little did it know of the fortitude and presence of mind I possess... by staying right at the centre of the raft, not moving an inch, wearing two life jackets, and holding on to the fattest guy in the raft for dear life I scraped through to a safe escape.

Manoj 1 F 13 0 .... It surely has to be looking to get one back at me for that miserable outing.

Well, Bring it on I say...

Ok... My laptops heating up way too abnormally....somethings fishy...gotta go...Ciao.....